Posedă intensitate medie, arome în dezvoltare de piersici, grișe coapte, cireșe albe, pulpă de grepfrut, ulterior dezvoltă nuanțe de petale de trandafir.
Vin rosé sec, corp ușor spre mediu, cu taninuri moi, aciditate
plăcută. În gust se deschide cu note de dude albe savuroase, piersici, cireșe albe și nuanțe de pulpă de citrice.
Merge bine cu peste ușor sărat, crustacee, carne de rață și curcan.
TERRA DACIA is a refined wine, enriched by the history, courage and wisdom of the Free Dacians. Tasting this wine is touching the heritage of the ancient Land of Dacia.
TERRA DACIA is a refined wine, enriched by the history, courage and wisdom of the Free Dacians. Tasting this wine is touching the heritage of the ancient Land of Dacia.
TERRA DACIA is a refined wine, enriched by the history, courage and wisdom of the Free Dacians. Tasting this wine is touching the heritage of the ancient Land of Dacia.
TERRA DACIA is a refined wine, enriched by the history, courage and wisdom of the Free Dacians. Tasting this wine is touching the heritage of the ancient Land of Dacia.