Un vin roșu sec, produs din struguri de soiul Saperavi, maturat 12 luni în butoaie de stejar, cu complexitate medie spre corpolentă, taninuri aderente și aciditate plăcută. Vin bun, potrivit pentru consum curent, cu potențial de maturare.
TERRA DACIA is a refined wine, enriched by the history, courage and wisdom of the Free Dacians. Tasting this wine is touching the heritage of the ancient Land of Dacia.
TERRA DACIA is a refined wine, enriched by the history, courage and wisdom of the Free Dacians. Tasting this wine is touching the heritage of the ancient Land of Dacia.
TERRA DACIA is a refined wine, enriched by the history, courage and wisdom of the Free Dacians. Tasting this wine is touching the heritage of the ancient Land of Dacia.
TERRA DACIA is a refined wine, enriched by the history, courage and wisdom of the Free Dacians. Tasting this wine is touching the heritage of the ancient Land of Dacia.