Arome de intensitate medie spre pronunțată de merișor, măr roșu, sirop de arțar, struguri roz, care evoluează în bombonele de barbaris și fructe de sorbus.
Un rosé sec cu corp mediu, aciditate ridicată- proaspătă plăcută, în gust are fructe roșii de pădure, măr roșu,
merișoare, fragi. Postgust persistent plăcut
Se potrivește bine cu mâncare italiană, pizza, fructe de mare.
TERRA DACIA is a refined wine, enriched by the history, courage and wisdom of the Free Dacians. Tasting this wine is touching the heritage of the ancient Land of Dacia.
TERRA DACIA is a refined wine, enriched by the history, courage and wisdom of the Free Dacians. Tasting this wine is touching the heritage of the ancient Land of Dacia.
TERRA DACIA is a refined wine, enriched by the history, courage and wisdom of the Free Dacians. Tasting this wine is touching the heritage of the ancient Land of Dacia.
TERRA DACIA is a refined wine, enriched by the history, courage and wisdom of the Free Dacians. Tasting this wine is touching the heritage of the ancient Land of Dacia.